What does an MSP charge? Managed Service Provider (MSP) charges can vary depending on the service provided and the...
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Is your son a computer hacker?
Are you worried your son or daughter may be a computer hacker? It's not the end of the world! This article will...
Can a dusty computer slow it down?
I'm sure you've all been there before. You're slaving away at your computer, trying to get work done, when all of a...
What is the business case for outsourcing IT?
In these days of tight budgets and constant pressure to reduce expenses, the question "Is outsourcing IT worth it?" is...
Is it worth fixing a computer? | Ask Nerds | Nerds On Site
When your computer crashes, it can be a frustrating experience. You might be tempted to throw it out and buy a new...
The Biggest IT Security Gaps In Your Organization
Most businesses have a good idea of their organization's biggest cyber security gaps. But there are a few that may...
National Business Technologies – National IT Support in the United States
Is your business or organization looking for national IT support for projects, installations, or computer support? NOS...
Demonstration of the adam:ONE Security Gateway at Black Hat Security Conference
adam:ONE is an advanced cyber security solution that offers real-time threat prevention and detection capabilities...
IT Projects Outsourcing: National Support Canada & The USA
Outsourcing your IT projects can be a great way to ensure project viability without having to handle everything...
This Week In Nerd News (TWINN)
This Week In Nerd News (TWINN) – December 19, 2022
TWINN #103 When a criminal takedown becomes impossible Modern civilization is possible, in part, due to the rule of...
This Week In Nerd News (TWINN) – December 12, 2022
TWINN #102 - 14 Days from Disclosure to Exploit In software development culture, we have had white light thinking for...
This Week In Nerd News (TWINN) – December 5, 2022
TWINN #101 Man in the Email Many aspects of IT security are dynamic and shift around. If doing business one way...
This Week In Nerd News (TWINN) – November 28, 2022
TWINN #100 iSpoof seized and shutdown Ever wonder how it’s even possible for texting spam, scam and phishing messages...
This Week In Nerd News (TWINN) – November 21, 2022
TWINN #99 Punycode is useful to criminals https://youtu.be/tuR5VLQpRzg Can you tell the difference...
This Week In Nerd News (TWINN) – November 14, 2022
TWINN #98 IPFS - the double-edged sword we don't need https://youtu.be/SS_GPaRwYx8 Let’s talk about IPFS. The...
This Week In Nerd News (TWINN) – November 7, 2022
TWINN #97 Exemplary Breach Disclosure by Dropbox https://youtu.be/IAdy1ayPQuE Every once in a while we are pleasantly...
This Week In Nerd News – October 31, 2022 – 0patch fixes Microsoft
TWINN #96 0patch fixes Microsoft https://youtu.be/Ai02p-iFQxc The theme is continuing where Microsoft isn’t stepping...
This Week In Nerd News – October 24, 2022 – Time to re-evaluate Microsoft
TWINN #95 Time to re-evaluate Microsoft Today is a day to seriously question any planned long-term usage of Windows...