Municipal Wireless Growth in London Ontario

Nerds On Site
Article Written By Niles Nerd


Founded In


5-Star Reviews

4.83 / 5

Satisfaction Rating is a free WiFi wireless service in central London, Ontario, Canada as a pilot project. The coverage has recently expanded and we’re proud to show some interesting statistics that other communities may find useful. The screenshots below are taken form the public website today, Friday mid-morning. Each pin represents an outdoor access point, and the number within each pin are the number of current devices (Smartphones, Computers, etc):

The graph below shows usage throughout the week. This usage is the cumulative of all the users and access points above for this past week:

Any community or organization considering wireless deployments has a number of questions and concerns, and from and engineering and usage perspective, this has been a success. In a combined effort and support by Start Communications, the Downtown London Business Association and Nerds On Site, we have addressed concerns such as:

  • Security issues on infrastructure
  • Bandwidth consumption
  • Abusive or excessive use
  • Sustainability

You can follow the progress of this pilot on:
London LAWN website at
On Twitter at
Does your community have wireless? Has it been tried? Have you talked to a community that had success?
UPDATE: Wanted to include another usage graph that you may find interesting. This is based on the past 30 days of usage by application or type of use:

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