Hosting NerdCare Assurance: Series Roundup

Nerds On Site
Article Written By Nerdsonsite


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Over the past 7 days, we’ve tried to explain some of the features of our NerdCare Assurance packages. We’ve talked about our monitoring, backup, disaster recovery, hack detection, preventative maintenance and content updates, and these are just the major points in our Assurance packages.
Our packages are designed to increase your Productivity, Pleasureability and Profitability, and in addition to our pre-packaged Bronze and Silver solutions we offer customized packages for your unique needs. All of our packages include guaranteed response times and flat rates to allow your business easily budget. Since downtime and recovery due to hacking can cost thousands of dollars per incident, our Assurance packages give you peace of mind with flat rate costs.
If the information we’ve shared over the past few days hasn’t already clearly showed the lengths we are willing to go for our clients, consider this. All clients covered by our Silver package will be contacted by a member of our team at least once a month to ensure that we are doing all we can for your website and your business. Imagine your current hosting provider initiating contact once a month to make sure that all your needs are being met!
This level of support translates really resulting a protection of your image and brand, as well assuring the quickest possible response times and smallest amount of downtime. At the end of the day, Hosting NerdCare Assurance will have a direct effect on your bottom line, by ensuring that your website is up all the time!

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