[Thanks to Nerd Dennis Houseknecht for this post]
There IS a BETTER Way to Manage Patches (Actually, We Have TWO)
Like every second Tuesday, the one coming up is Patch Tuesday for Windows operating systems. It will be the biggest ever – there will be 16 updates, 4 of which are critical. A total of 49 vulnerabilities will be patched. Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 are included in some patches.
If you have clients on NerdCare, it is ESSENTIAL that you keep their system patched. Failing to do so puts them at risk, puts you at risk, and puts Nerds On Site at risk. This is a basic maintenance task that should be part of your schedule and your due diligence in caring for your clients.
If you have a lot of client machines to look after, patch management can be a complex and time-consuming task. Going to each computer to check for patches and running Microsoft Update is tedious and the results are not always consistent. If you manage a client network, you can use WSUS, but it can also be complex and you still have to go network to network.
There IS a better way. You can manage patches on all the computers under your care from one central dashboard. The NerdCare Support Team has tools to ease the pain of patch management. For larger environments, Level Platforms is usually the best tool. It integrates with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to manage patches across any number of networks. For smaller environments, GFI MAX Remote Management is lightweight and can be installed on workstations and laptops in residential or small office settings – even if there is no server. You can manage patches on any number computers for any number of clients at any number of sites – all from a single dashboard. You can approve and install patches without logging into individual computers. You can even manage patches for Firefox, Adobe, and Java (more to come).
These tools do much, much more. They monitor CPU, disk, and memory usage, report system events, show performance trends over time, automate routine maintenance tasks, send email alerts when problems arise, generate reports, provide reliable remote access tools, and SO MUCH MORE!!
Been there – done that, you say? Think RUON or Spiceworks do the same thing? Don’t want to learn all that complicated setup and configuration? If you can’t come to NerdTech weekend, tune in virtually or check out the recorded sessions. The NerdCare Support Team is making NerdCare a whole new ballgame.